Drill Track Modes

Empty Track

Running Workout

You have an empty drill track on which you can train different things. You can jog, run sideways and much more.


Single, Normal, Short

There are posts to run around.

There is a single post in the middle to run around.

There are posts in a short distance to run around.


Multiple and single

It will display bars for running underneath them.

It will display a single bar in the middle to run underneath it.


Agility ladder trainning

On the ground a ladder appears for train faster footwork and quickness.
The room extension is switched off because it is not comfortable for training. If you change the mode, the previous state will be restored.


Normal and Random

It will display a barrier to run through. After that it appears at a different position. First on one side, then in the middle, then again on the side, then on the other side, then again in the middle, etc.

It will randomly display a barrier to run through. After that it appears at a different position, always side or middle.

You always have to go through the barrier.


Normal, Random and Catch

A dummy appears and moves, you always have to follow it. .

A dummy appears at a random position, you always have to move to it.

A dummy appears which you have to catch (with your head). If you caught it, it will appear at a different position.

Dash Start

Dash Start Reaction Training

Go through the start mark and get into start position. You will hear the start signals „ready, set“. You are not allowed to move on „set“, otherwise it will be a false start. On the shot-signal you run to the middle of the track.


Random and Straight

Go through the start mark. Then a dummy appears on the other side. It moves towards you with a random route and you have to catch it. You are not allowed to pass the line before the dummy moves, otherwise it will be a false start.

Go through the start mark. Then a dummy appears on the other side. It moves towards you and you have to catch it. You are not allowed to pass the line before the dummy moves, otherwise it will be a false start.


Easy, Medium, Hard

A calculation will be displayed to run through. After that 3 answer opportunities will appear at the other side. You have to run through the right one. After that, a new calculation will appear at the other side again. You can select different levels, easy, medium, hard.
You always have to go through the barrier.

The calculation are addition and subtraction.

The calculation are addition and subtraction.

The calculations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.


Easy, Medium, Hard

A question will be displayed to run through. After that 3 answer opportunities will appear at the other side. You have to run through the right one. After that, a new question will appear at the other side again. You can select different quest levels, easy, medium and hard.
You always have to go through the barrier.

The questions are from Open Trivia Database, opentdb.com


Own Question and answers

A question will be displayed to run through. After that the answer will appear at the other side. You have to run through the right one. After that, a new question will appear at the other side again.
You always have to go through the barrier.

As a member you can generate your own questions.

Lights change

Random Lights

You can turn on random light change for every spot changing. Or you can select dark lights for a darker atmosphere.