Virtual Reality Equipment

WebXR Browsers

You need a WebVR/WebXR supported Browser, more informations on https://webvr.rocks/ 


Search for towermax and start the tower.

You can install Supermedium from Steam, Oculus Store or download direct on supermedium.com


With htc vive, press the menu-button for the menu console quickly, otherwise you get out.
If this happens, go back with the little window on the bottom right, otherwise the tower will be reloaded and you lose your towerheight!


You can add https://towermax.fitness/tower or https://towermax.fitness/reaction in Supermedium browser to your sites


For starting the tower, open the link: https://towermax.fitness/tower and click on the VR-Icon on the bottom right. Put on your headset and workout!

For starting reaction, open the link: https://towermax.fitness/reaction and click on the VR-Icon on the bottom right. Put on your headset and workout!


For starting the tower, open the link: https://towermax.fitness/tower and click on the VR-Icon on the bottom right. Put on your headset and workout!

For starting reaction, open the link: https://towermax.fitness/reaction and click on the VR-Icon on the bottom right. Put on your headset and workout!

Virtual Reality Headset

You need a vr-headset with position tracking


Oculus Rift